Israel steals Palestinian honey


Israel steals Palestinian honey
Kamis, 08 Februari 2024, Kamis, Februari 08, 2024 WIB Last Updated 2024-02-08T16:20:15Z
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 - Israel steals Palestinian honey. Not only did they slaughter the Palestinian people, Israel also turned out to be thieves and robbers. They even stole honey from the Palestinian people. The world already knows how barbaric Israel is towards Palestine, they completely slaughtered the innocent Palestinian people, especially innocent children, they completely slaughtered them. Israel is not a human being, only a devil that resembles a human being. By annexing and seizing the land of Palestine they became people who resemble animals, even though Israel is just a migrant who was helped by Palestine, until now the Israelis who have been helped have colonized, even though Israel is just a group of people who havebeen expelled from various countries in the past. It's only natural that European countries expel him because Israel is an evil, inhumane person. But apart from thieves and slaughterers of children, Israel is also known as a spreader of hoaxes, liars and propagandists, many countries are being destroyed by Israel at this time. Supported by America, Israel, as it pleases, dominates and destroys the face of this earth. Israel has destroyed a peaceful earth. May Israel be destroyed


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